presidents desk

From the President’s Desk (August)

Summer Activity Update

presidents desk

As we move through summer, it might be time for a little project update.

If anyone has been in the East Tennessee Progress Center lately, you will see a lot of work underway. Atmos Energy is under roof with their new service center and McNeilus Steel is roofing as we speak. Van Hool engineering and design is underway and we expect earthwork with-in 60 days.

As we talk about new projects, it is important we remember our existing industries in growth mode as well. Iatric continues to grow in their new facility as well as 8 other ongoing ex-pansions. With new growth and expansion, our community could experience around 3,000 jobs within the next 5-7 years. For that reason alone, you will see a heavy focus on housing and work-force development coming from our offices.

Also, we are considering a new “pilot” program where I will literally serve as your pilot. If we have a demand, quarterly, I will pilot a large vehicle of which I have 100% control of the radio. Chamber members are invited to join on a community tour for updates on everything going on in the community. This could be for new members learning their way around or the long-time mem-ber wanting an update on certain parts of town. We’ll be providing more information in the near future as far as dates, times and how to sign up to participate. I’ll let someone else come up with a better name, but for now, it is Meandering Morristown!