presidents desk

From the President’s Desk (December)

presidents desk

As Christmas approaches quickly, this is always a time to be thankful for our faith, family and community. We are thankful to live in a community that affords us a great place to live, play, raise a family and make a living along.

I’m reminded almost daily from across the state and sometimes country how “lucky” Morristown/Hamblen County is. I remind my peers that “luck” is created through decades of good elected officials, good small business support and great leaders. Luck is winning the lottery, Morristown’s “luck” is a result of true community partnership that fosters an environment of growth and support to businesses of all shapes and sizes.

I’m asked to speak in many of these communities about our success and I explain the differ-ence between luck and “luck” and I always notice uncomfortable stares around the room as they re-alize Morristown’s “luck” has been a century of planning and preparation and they are now realiz-ing they are decades behind the growth curve, likely to never recover. I won’t say that I’m thankful for other’s misfortune and poor planning, but I’m very thankful for the community and businesses that continue to support the growth of our community!