This week is a very important week for our community. A week, whether we know it or not, that supports one of the largest pieces of infrastructure in your community. This week celebrates employers and employees that make our business community function. If you haven’t figured it out by now, this is National Small Business Week. This week honors those small businesses and entrepreneurs who have invested in our community, providing jobs and a chance at a living for many of us. I think our community does a pretty good job of supporting and celebrating these small businesses, but go out of your way this week and every week to support those companies and those families that have committed so much of their lives and investment to our community. These small businesses don’t, and never have known, what a 40 hour week is. I’d say most would be happy to just work 60 hours per week. Take an opportunity this week to not only support these businesses financially, but tell them thank you for being in our community.